Hello friends,
Maybe it’s a funny time to start a journal of my practice but to me, it feels right. I have never felt that comfortable with the shorter format output; Instagram, Twitter etc. For myself the boundaries have been too blurred and I get overwhelmed with content. I end up being stifled.
As with most self-employed creatives, we have seen projects disappear in a flash due to COVID-19 but others are just postponed, I can’t wait to get back outside working with communities, celebrate, have fun and realise the work:
THREE BASICS (Square, Circle, Triangle)
I am really excited to be creating a play sculpture for Highfield Adventure Playground in Sheffield. The project is a collaboration with the young people who attend Sharrow Youth Club. We will be working together to design and realise the play sculpture. Before being installed at the adventure playground we will exhibit the work in the gallery at Yorkshire Artspace, Persistence Works building, in the heart of Sheffield.
We are hoping the project will happen before the end of the year if the virus (COVID-19) allows. I will keep you posted.
Thank you to the commissioners; Site Gallery, the funders; Paul Hamlyn Foundation and project supporters; Yorkshire Artspace, Highfield Adventure Playground, Sharrow Community Forum for their continued support on this project.
Isolate Inn - an ‘open all hours’ online pub during the COVID-19 lockdown.
I am looking forward to continue sharing via the traditional newsletter and diary style format again.
Look after yourselves and each other,